Tree-Themed Fall Bucket List!

Fall is well under way, but there's always time to create a list of fun fall "to-do's" with your kiddos! Or you could tuck this super cute idea away for next year. Featured over at Almost Unschoolers, this handy idea uses a colorful fall tree to create a list of fun fall-themed activities.
Fall Leaf List
To complete this project you'll only need a few supplies: 2 brown paper bags (or brown bulletin board paper paper), assorted color construction paper, a few pairs of scissors, a black marker and sticky tack. Start by creating the tree trunk and branches from the brown paper bags.

Next, cut out leaves from fall-colored construction paper. You could allow your kiddos to free hand the leaves, or find a few patterns you can use for tracing online. Be sure to cut enough leaves for the number of activities you plan to complete!

With the leaves cut out, write an activity on each leaf that you and your kiddos want to complete before fall is over. It could be anything fall related: drinking apple cider, having a bonfire, going for a hay ride, carving pumpkins, watching a fall movie (A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving anyone??), completing a pilgrim craft, etc. The options are endless! When you're done, attach each leaf to the tree.

As you complete the activities, remove the leaves from the tree. We loved their idea of replacing the fall leaves with thankful turkeys as you complete the tasks and move closer to Thanksgiving!!