Thriving with Routines - A Daily 'To-Do'

Classroom Management Strategies for Teachers Just as you have routines and procedures in place to help your kiddos know what to expect throughout the day as well as facilitate smooth transitions, a daily routine or checklist is also a great way to help you stay current on paperwork, lesson plans, grading, desk organization, etc. and, in turn, feel successful each day. While many of you may already do some of the things on these lists, we've always been of the mind that it helps to write things down and to be intentional about instituting, as well as keeping, routines. You, of course, have to find the routine that works best for you, but here's a good start if you need some inspiration.

Before Class

Arrive at least fifteen minutes before your students so that you can;

  1. Review lesson plans.
  2. Double-check that all lesson materials for the day are ready to go.
  3. Be sure daily objectives/subject boards are updated to reflect the days learning goals, materials needed, etc.
  4. Be sure morning assignments/warm-ups are ready before students arrive.
  5. As needed: Read and respond to parent emails. Review schedule and do last-minute review/prep for any parent conferences and/or staff meetings scheduled that day.

While these seem like no-brainers, you'll be amazed at how much these simple tasks will help you feel prepared to face the coming day head on!

After Class

These routines can be a bit trickier to make stick, but ultimately, are the most important and will make your morning transition that much easier.

  1. Clean off your desk of the days papers and create an organized work space! File paperwork, student work, and curriculum in assigned folders, shelves, or boxes.
  2. Update calendar and lesson plans to reflect the days progress.
  3. Collect and/or make sure lesson materials for the next day are ready to go.
  4. Update daily objectives/subject goals to reflect the next days learning goals, materials needed, etc.
  5. Prepare morning assignments/warm-ups.
  6. Correct student work and enter grades; file papers in assigned location - i.e. student mailboxes, "to hand back" folder, student portfolios, etc.
  7. Do one last sweep to make sure your desk, INCLUDING OTHER WELL USED WORK SPACES, are clean/organized and ready for the next day!

These are, of course, simply a jumping off point. Whether yours look like these or not, we highly recommend instituting your own daily routines. It is sure to make your school year run so much more smoothly!

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