The Life Cycle of an Apple - Spring Botany Unit

preschool printable apple life cycle
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Spring offers the perfect opportunity for your preschoolers to explore botany and gardening. And, as your students discover the many flowering plants and trees of spring, learn the difference between vegetables and fruits, and maybe even try their hand at gardening, reintroducing the concept of life cycles just seems to fit right in {we say reintroduce because there are many opportunities for delving into this concept - pumpkins, butterflies, spiders, etc. - and you may have already covered it in a different unit}. We found this great apple life cycle printable at Montessori for Everyone and thought it would compliment the unit nicely.

With it, students will...

  • Learn the life cycle of an apple using both visual and textual clues
  • Learn new vocabulary words
  • Explore the cyclical nature of all life cycles

Have students use the cards to create their own chart of the apple life cycle, print two sets in order to play a memory/matching game, create three-part learning cards by printing two sets and cutting one {text and picture} apart, or design an interactive emergent reader that makes use of the cards to tell the story of the apple. Be sure to visit Montessori for Everyone for the download!

Happy Learning! signature

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