Student Opinion: Qualities of A Good Teacher

Ever wish you could climb into your students' heads to find out what they expect from you? The Apple contributor, Alistair Bomphray, has compiled a video of just that! Here are a few of the student's responses:

  • "...a teacher who's honest and dedicated to their students...[one] who is willing to be there for their students no matter what."
  • "...someone who is energetic, not too boring, knows how to teach but have a good time...someone who's strict, but not too strict, and someone who works with the students one-on-one."
  • "...someone who's understanding...who [reaches] the student's needs."
  • "A good teacher is someone who gives their time...[to] help students improve their lives."
  • A teacher should be "real...treat students like people...share of their own life."
  • "...someone I can feel comfortable with and talk to..."
  • "...a teacher is a counselor...who is willing to give you advice...a teacher is not just a body with educated words is in...teaching is more than just about education."

To view the whole video, follow the link back to Bomphray's post on The Apple.

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