Stamp-A-Story - Writing Center Activity

Ever heard of this exercise? It's a fun way to get your kiddos interesting in writing, as well as inspire their creativity! Simply put, armed with these handy {free!} printable worksheets and a stamp set featuring various characters, 'places', animals, objects, etc., as well as ink pads in assorted colors {of course!}, invite your kiddos to set about crafting an adventure.
- First, invite them to pick a lead character, stamping the character picture in the appropriate section.
- Next, selecting one for each of the open story sections, have your kiddos choose and stamp seven more unique story 'elements' on the worksheet. These can be other characters/animals, items that mark the setting {i.e. a palm tree to represent the beach or the jungle}, or objects. Remind your kinders that they'll need to be able to connect all of these elements in their tale and to brainstorm story ideas as they go.
[NOTE: You might consider providing a bit of focus to the exercise with a theme - A Day in the Jungle, We're Going On Safari, The Day My Class Went To Space, If I Went To The Beach..., etc. Although, if you do this, you'll have to make sure your stamp collection correlates with as well.]
With their story ideas brainstormed and organized on their worksheet {this is a fantastic way to introduce how important brainstorming can be to the writing process}, students can then set about crafting their tale on the worksheet provided. Invite them to use their chosen stamps in the actual story as each is introduced.
Other Considerations... If you don't have a large stamp collection, you might also have your students complete this exercise using clippings from old magazines and brochures, printed out clip art images, or even stickers!