Spring Windsock Craftivity - All About Rain

Check out this super cute windsock craftivity that Cara featured over at The First Grade Parade. What we love about this craftivity is that it could easily be used for ANY topic your class happens to be covering!
Spring Windsock Craftivity
Supplies you will need:
- White construction paper (9" x 12")
- Assorted color construction paper (precut into strips)
- Crayons
- Markers
- Stapler
- Yarn
- Paper hole punch
Step 1: Provide each of your students with a white piece of construction paper and instruct them to draw a rainy day scene - can be anything they want (as long as it includes a few clouds and rain drops).
Step 2: Make sure each student has 6 strips of precut construction paper, each strip a different color. In Cara's example she had her students write one fact they learned about rain on three different strips. On the fourth strip they wrote a sentence about how rain makes them feel. The fifth strip was a short explanation about how rain affects the environment (great link to science discussion!). And on the final and 6th strip her students wrote about a book they were reminded of when they were discussing rain.

Again, the beauty of this craftivity is that it can be tailored to meet your class's needs. Maybe you're getting ready to learn about rain and you could have your students write three facts they already know, and three things they hope to learn. Or, maybe your class is learning about seeds and the growing season - you could easily have your students draw a colorful flower garden and complete the 6 strips about the process of growing a plant. Be creative! The options are endless!!
Step 3: Once your students have completed their drawings and strips, have them staple the 6 strips across the bottom of their picture (they may need assistance with this part). Then staple the drawing together to create a cylinder, punch two holes into the top and attach a piece of yarn for hanging. How cute would these be hanging from the ceiling around your class?!?