Shape Kites Math Activity & Craft
Check out these beautiful multicolored kites crafted by the preschoolers at All About Children childcare center! Didn't they turn out great?! As part of their 'Summer Fun' unit, they read Bettina Ling's Kites, reviewing colors, shapes, counting, etc. as a class, and then spent time crafting their own fliers, focusing on shapes!
Crafting Shape Kites
The craft is actually quite simple and a great way to review shapes. Invite students to choose their favorite shape, drawing it onto a piece of construction paper and cutting it out to create the 'base' of their kite. [NOTE: For younger crafters you might consider already having shapes drawn on the construction paper so that all they'll have to do is cut it out!]
Provide students with art tissue paper in assorted colors (precut or torn into squares) and invite them to use the colorful pieces to collage their kite cutout. [NOTE: If you have the time, having your students tear or cut the tissue into pieces is a great fine motor builder!]
Once their kite is collaged, have them cut a length of yarn and help them staple it to the bottom of their kite. Strips of construction paper or paper bows attached to the piece of yarn create a great finishing touch!