Roll & Build Flower Puzzle

spring garden flower preschool printable math game
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The past two days we've shared some great gardening/botany printables for spring. This flower puzzle game from Play 2 Learn Printables fits right in! Divide students into small groups, giving each student a worksheet of colorful flower parts and a key to use when 'building' their flower. Provide a die {small or large} for the group and invite students to take turns rolling it, identifying the number displayed, and using its corresponding flower part to assemble the puzzle. First student to assemble the puzzle, wins!

With this puzzle game, students will:

  • Practice counting
  • Strengthen numeral recognition
  • Hone visual discrimination skills


For students new to working with die, consider altering the key to show what the face of the die looks like for each numeral. {Like we did below}

preschool printable roll a flower math game
Adapted from Play 2 Learn Printables

You might also consider creating special rules for playing the game {i.e. students must roll a specific number to start the game, etc.} or having students build a "garden", with several flowers being built at one time, for more complexity. However you decide to use them, be sure to visit Play 2 Learn Printables for the game download!

Happy Building! signature

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