Promoting Dental Health: Customizable Tooth Brushing Charts

Dental Health Preschool Printable
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Check out these customizable tooth brushing charts from! A non-profit organization, is committed to promoting better oral hygiene for kiddos, and has developed this great educational widget that allows you {the teacher}, students, and parents create and download these fabulous dental health charts directly from your blog or school site to use at home. Placed by their bathroom sink or on their bedroom door, these charts will remind your preschoolers to brush their teeth twice a day, both in the morning and before they go to bed, for healthier gums and teeth.

While students who fill an entire chart are already winners, you might consider incentivizing your youngsters to take the chart seriously - perhaps providing them with an extra recess, a special {healthy!} breakfast with the principal, or another fun activity!

For more information on the educational widget and to start creating your own free dental health charts, be sure to visit!

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