FREE Printable Apple Core Puzzles (4 Variations!)

Product Description
Apples offer a great back-to-school theme and they're also perfect for Johnny Appleseed day in September. If you're looking for a fun activity to try with your preschoolers, check out these fun apple core puzzles. All you have to do is print, cut apart, and play!
Since you're working with the younger set, we suggest printing two copies of each puzzle - leaving the first intact to create a puzzle mat students can use as a guide and cutting the second apart to create the actual puzzle pieces.
Of course, for students who are more advanced, you might just decide to print one puzzle, cut it apart, and invite them to try their hand at assembly! Additionally, these printables could also double as a way to build scissor skills!
*[NOTE: The printables are black and white. To get the fun patterned apple pieces, we printed the apple pattern onto scrapbook paper and pasted it onto a black and white copy.]
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