Prevent Summer Reading Loss with these Tips
Here are some great tips you can share with parents to help prevent summer reading loss provided by Jennifer Perez at Early Childhood News & Resources.
The number of books read during the week depends upon age of course, but make sure to set aside time each day specifically for story time or reading. For toddlers, this can be a great transition activity from breakfast to play time, from play time to nap time, etc. and for older children it can provide a nice relaxing rest time in the middle of the day. However you schedule reading time, make 'book finding' exciting by setting aside a weekday morning to visit the local library or bookstore in search of fun books to read! Application Suggestions
For older children, these extension activities can help them make connections with the books they read:
- Create a diorama of an important/favorite scene
- Act out a favorite poem or scene from a book (dressing up and making props for the activity)
- Re-write a favorite poem
- Compile a book of favorite poems (decorating pages, etc.)
- Take notes while reading (e.g. confusing vocabulary words, places where imagery is used, etc.)
- Create a book of vocabulary words learned through reading
- Design a comic strip version of the book or poem being read
With these wonderful tips, parents will be able to assist in preventing summer reading loss and prepare their students for a successful school year in the fall!
For other reading resources including reading skills and reading comprehension, be sure to check out the selection at MPM School Supplies!