Preschool Alphabet Game
Here's a game that incorporates letter recognition, creativity, and social interaction, all on a magnificently-designed, homemade game board. Use Joel's templates or create your own, but here's what you'll need: a game board for each player, a sack of letter tiles, and brightly painted rocks or other game pieces. How to Play
- Children should take turns drawing a letter tile from the bag.
- If they can identify the letter, they are allowed to choose one of the colorful game pieces to place on their board.
- If they can't identify the letter, remind them of what it is, then place it back in the sack and shake it up.
- The player who fills their entire game board wins the game!
Not only will students brush up on their alphabet, you'll be surprised at the patterning, sorting, and matching that goes one when the children choose their game pieces. For older children, Joel suggests having them choose several tiles at once. If they can create a word (3 letters or larger) from the letters, they can choose a game piece. This will certainly make it more challenging and allows younger and older children to play together!