Play Dough Mats Galore!

Fine Motor and Math Preschool Printables
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Kirby over at Planet of the Apels put together a fantastic packet of play dough mats the we know your preschoolers will have a ball with! Whether they're decorating the puppy with spots, adding petals to the flower, giving the alligator teeth, forming eyes, ears, a nose, and a mouth to create a face, or completing one of the other fantastic exercises - we know these activities will work to strengthen fine motor coordination, numeral recognition, and counting, as well as provide a unique, fun, and engaging exercise to help with end-of-the-year wiggles!

[NOTE: If you don't have time for a full fledged play dough extravaganza - dry erase markers and crayons work too!]

For the full packet download, be sure to visit Planet of the Apels!

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