Peppermint Letters Printable Activity

We've always loved the peppermint theme for Christmas and winter so, using some of Laura Strickland's awesome peppermint candy graphics (by the way, if you're not familiar with Laura's amazing desings, be sure to check out her website,!), we created several sets of letter cards that you and your kiddos can use to practice letter recognition, ordering, and matching this holiday season!

Here's a closer look at the three different sets included in the download;

Christmas Alphabet Printable Activity

Christmas Upper Case Letters Printable Activity

Christmas Lower Case Letters Printable Activity

Activity suggestions...

  • ABC Ordering. Print any set of cards and invite your students to put them in order.
  • Upper & Lower Case Letter Matching. Print the upper and lower case letter sets, inviting students to simply make matches or, perhaps, play a game of Concentration or Go Fish! (Or, of course, you could print all three sets of letters for a greater challenge!)
  • Beginning Letter Sounds. Print one set of letter cards and invite students to go on a scavenger hunt around the classroom, finding objects that begin with each letter (or selected focus letters).


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