Patriotic Roll-A-Rocket Game & Craft

Patriotic Game Preschool Printable

Looking for a fun patriotic game to do with your kiddos this weekend? We found this fun rocket coloring page at Crayola® and thought it would work fantastically for a "Roll-A-Rocket" game and craft!

Supplies You'll Need

  • Rocket coloring page
  • Card stock
  • Markers
  • "Roll-A-Rocket" game directions {see example below}
  • Dark blue construction paper
  • Glue
  • Star stickers, silver gel pen, silver paint pen, etc.
  1. Patriotic Fourth of July Game Preschool Printable

    Provide each of your students with the coloring page {printed onto card stock} and markers, inviting them color the pieces. [NOTE: To construct the rocket above, we used the rocket, rocket boosters, fuel tanks, and a window from the coloring page.] On the scraps of card stock, have your kiddos create flames for the rocket boosters as well as a small American flag.
  2. Fourth of July Patriotic Game Preschool PrintableAlong with a set of pre-made "Roll-A-Rocket" instructions {like the example above}, provide your kiddos with a die, inviting them to take turns rolling it, counting the number of dots displayed, and collecting the corresponding rocket piece. Students are only able to begin building their rocket once they've collected all their pieces {i.e. rolled each number once} and then roll a "2". [NOTE: Kind of like the game "Sorry" where you can only venture out of home base if you draw a "1" or "2", this rule will keep the game going longer and may help students who are stuck collecting parts, catch up.]
  3. Fourth of July Rocket Game Preschool PrintableHave students paste their rocket pieces to the blue construction paper, then add several stars to the paper using silver gel or paint pens {or stickers, of course!}.

Your kiddos are sure to have a blast with this activity! Head on over to Crayola® for this and other great printable coloring pages!

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