Nature Inspired Spring Chick Art Project!

After a long winter cooped up indoors, we always look forward to warmer spring temperatures that allow for short activities outside! Since Easter is coming up and spring, in its own right, lends itself to discussions of living things, new growth, life cycles, etc. we thought this spring chick art project shared by Natalie over at smART Class would make a great addition to your lesson plans! Not to mention, it requires a nature walk... Fresh air, sunshine, and a bit of crafting, who could resist!?
collected twigs and sticks
art paper
cotton balls
powdered tempera paint
brown paper lunch sacks
wiggle eyes
orange construction paper (and other assorted colors, if desired)
craft glue
markers (and other graphic art tools, if desired)
Creating the Hatchlings
- Get outside! Go on a nature walk and collect some twigs/sticks from around the school yard.
- Begin by breaking the twigs into smaller pieces, arranging and gluing them onto the piece of art paper to form a 'nest' shape.
- To create the baby chicks, place cotton balls into brown paper lunch sacks with powdered tempera paint and shake to coat. Once colored, the cotton balls can be glued to the page (most likely somewhere in and around the nest), and completed using wiggle eyes and triangles of orange construction paper to create the 'beak'!
- As the final projects show, students can then use graphic art tools and scraps of construction paper to add detail to the scene! Perhaps a branch and leaves for the nest to sit on, a mother bird, etc.

A fabulous spring (and Easter!) craft for you and your kiddos to enjoy together!