My First Day of School

First Day of School Preschool Printable
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Here's a fun first day of school activity from Nina over at First Grade Wizards. It's a great way to help your preschoolers share the details of their first day and a low key way to wind down at the end of the day!

The worksheet six boxes were your kiddos can draw pictures of various things to share with their families when they get home...

  • A self-portrait {recording their awesome first day of school outfits!}
  • A view of the classroom from their desk
  • A portrait of a new friend
  • A portrait of you, their teacher!
  • A picture of the school {Give them artistic license allowing them to draw what comes to mind - the play ground, front of the school, the cafeteria, etc.}
  • A picture of their first school lunch

All in all, a comprehensive look at their first day! It's sure to be a great conversation starter at home!

For this awesome download, be sure to visit First Grade Wizards!

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