Making Watercolor Paints from Scratch

With school budget cuts and the uncertain economy, it's prudent to find ways to save money in the classroom. Making your own art supplies is a great way to do this. Jean, mother of two and creator of The Artful Parent blog, has provided a great recipe for making watercolor paints from scratch.

Watercolor Paint Recipe
- 3 teaspoons light corn syrup
- 6 tablespoons cornstarch
- 6 tablespoons baking soda
- 6 tablespoons white vinegar Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl. When it stops fizzing and foaming, divide the base mixture into several shallow containers and use food coloring to make all the colors of the rainbow.

Some Observations

  1. If you have a small class, it can be fun to have your students help you prepare the mixture. They'll hone fine motor skills as they fill measuring tools, learn to measure, and practice following directions. In this way, making paint can be just as fun as using it.
  2. This mixture paints just like watercolors, but dries a bit powdery. As Jean says, this isn't a bad thing, just different!

Use this paint recipe to get started with some home made fun!

Making homemade watercolor paints - The Artful Parent

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