Learning About Sizes: Same Size at the Beach

beach themed worksheet for learning to distinguish and match objects of the same size
Photo Source: www.tlsbooks.com

Not only is it important for your child or student to be able to compare objects and distinguish between big and small, tall and short, and long and short items, it's also important for preschoolers to be able to differentiate groupings of objects to find those that are the same size. TLS Books, a great online resource for early childhood worksheets and printables, has designed this fun beach-themed worksheet to help your students master just that!

Worksheet Applications

baby block 1 Have students complete the worksheet as designed by coloring the objects in each group that are the same size.
baby block 2 Create an interactive matching game like the one below using the worksheet images. Invite the students to pull the tab, compare the image in the viewer window to the image on the worksheet, and select the matching picture.

homemade matching game

homemade matcing game with pull tabs

baby block 3 Print two worksheets and cut apart, creating two of each object card. Laminate and place the cards face down on a flat surface. Have students use the cards to play a memory game where matches are made based on size (same size).
baby block 4 Create an interactive emergent reader book - to review big, small, and same size objects - where students cut the beach pictures from the worksheet and glue them to the correct page of a pre-made book (see previous posts in the Learning About Sizes series for examples).

Be sure to visit TLS Books for the download and a multitude of other learning worksheets!

Happy Learning! signature

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