Learning About Sizes: Big & Small Animal Match

worksheet with large and small animals that students must match
Photo Source: kids.scintro.com

Before heading off to kindergarten, it's important for your preschooler to be able to distinguish and categorize objects based on size including:

  • Big and small.
  • Tall and short.
  • Long and short.
  • Same size.

With this big and small animal matching worksheet designed by the creators of Scintro, a resource for preschool science and lesson plans, you can introduce the first category of opposites, encouraging your students to observe and compare! Worksheet Applications

baby block 1 Have students simply draw a line from the small animal picture to its matching big picture.
baby block 2 Provide students with safety scissors, inviting them to cut out each animal picture. When finished have them sort the animal cards into two groups by size - big and small.
baby block 3 Print two worksheets and cut apart, creating two of each animal card. Laminate and place the cards face down on a flat surface. Have students use the cards to play a memory game where matches are made based on size.
baby block 4 Create an interactive emergent reader book where students cut the animal pictures from the worksheet and glue them to the correct page of a pre-made book (like the example below).

example book craft for identifying big and little animalsexample book craft where students identify big and little animals

The book would continue until each animal card was identified and categorized! Be sure to visit Scintro for the download and, while you're there, take time to browse their other awesome resources!

Happy Learning! signature

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