July 4th Sensory Bin

Sensory bins provide a perfect opportunity for young children to explore their senses and to learn as they play! Carisa over at 1+1+1=1 put together a super cute and patriotic sensory bin for July 4th. Your early childhood kiddos are sure to love it!
Fourth of July Sensory Bin

For the base of the bin Carisa died white rice blue and red with food coloring (be sure to leave some of the rice white so you end up with all three colors). Then fill the bin with red, white and blue items you have around your classroom! Or you could easily find an assortment of July 4th items this time of year at your local dollar or big box store. I know the Target dollar spot is a favorite!
The bin in the example contains an assortment of fireworks straws, buckets, spiky balls, gel clings, pom poms and beads. Be creative! Your assortment doesn't have to be exact - just make sure you provide a variety of textures for exploring. You could also provide bowls, spoons and cups in red, white and blue to use with the bin for sorting, digging, etc.