"I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream!"

Ice Cream Summer Kids CraftPerfect for summer, this adorable ice cream craft is sure to become one of your kiddos' favorites! With a few items from your pantry, bathroom cabinet, and craft closet, this "refreshing" craft is quite simple and will appeal to all ages.

Supplies You'll Need

  • Construction paper in assorted colors
  • Kids scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Condiment squeeze bottle
  • Brown tempera paint
  • Baking sprinkles
  • Cotton balls
  • Red pom pom
  • White craft glue
  • Shaving cream {optional}

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  1. Summer Ice Cream Kids CraftBegin by using the templates to trace and cut the ice cream sundae pieces from construction paper in "ice cream colors" {i.e. pink for strawberry, white for vanilla, brown for chocolate, etc}.
  2. Summer Ice Cream Kids CraftArrange the bowl and ice cream scoops, using a glue stick to paste them together.
  3. Summer Ice Cream Crafts for KidsFill a {clean!} condiment squeeze bottle with brown tempera paint, topping the construction paper sundae with "fudge".
  4. Summer Ice Cream Crafts for KidsWhile the paint is still wet, sprinkle the sundae with colorful baking sprinkles.
  5. Summer Ice Cream Kids CraftWhen dry, mount the sundae onto a piece of construction paper, adding "whipped cream" with several cotton balls and a red craft puff "cherry". You might also consider using shaving cream and glue to create a fluffy white paint for the whipped topping. {You can find the "recipe" here at My Family Loves It.}
  6. Summer Ice Cream Crafts for KidsUse markers to add a cutesy border to the construction paper and script your kiddos' names.

After finishing this craft, it's quite possible your kiddos will be in the mood for a real ice cream sundae! Enjoy!

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