"I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream!"
Perfect for summer, this adorable ice cream craft is sure to become one of your kiddos' favorites! With a few items from your pantry, bathroom cabinet, and craft closet, this "refreshing" craft is quite simple and will appeal to all ages.
Supplies You'll Need
- Construction paper in assorted colors
- Kids scissors
- Glue stick
- Condiment squeeze bottle
- Brown tempera paint
- Baking sprinkles
- Cotton balls
- Red pom pom
- White craft glue
- Shaving cream {optional}
* * *
- Begin by using the templates to trace and cut the ice cream sundae pieces from construction paper in "ice cream colors" {i.e. pink for strawberry, white for vanilla, brown for chocolate, etc}.
- Arrange the bowl and ice cream scoops, using a glue stick to paste them together.
- Fill a {clean!} condiment squeeze bottle with brown tempera paint, topping the construction paper sundae with "fudge".
- While the paint is still wet, sprinkle the sundae with colorful baking sprinkles.
- When dry, mount the sundae onto a piece of construction paper, adding "whipped cream" with several cotton balls and a red craft puff "cherry". You might also consider using shaving cream and glue to create a fluffy white paint for the whipped topping. {You can find the "recipe" here at My Family Loves It.}
- Use markers to add a cutesy border to the construction paper and script your kiddos' names.
After finishing this craft, it's quite possible your kiddos will be in the mood for a real ice cream sundae! Enjoy!