Green Teachers
Recycling doesn’t have to stop with classroom paper bins and the occasional craft. In fact, there are many opportunities for reusing everyday materials to make challenging educational tools. EducatAll, a site dedicated to enriching the teaching process, has compiled a helpful list of ideas that will help you turn recycled materials into classroom games. Fun With Cans
Usually after enjoying a hot bowl of soup for lunch or making vegetables for dinner, the packaging is rinsed out and discarded in the trash or recycle bin. EducatAll contributors suggest that these metal cans have a lot of potential in the classroom. After a proper washing they can be used as mini-goals for students to roll balls into, tops can be refinished with pictures or objects for a homemade matching game, or holes can be created in cans with plastic lids for sorting, etc.
Empty Rolls
Empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls have lots of potential as well. By gluing two long rolls together lengthwise and adding colored cellophane at one end, students will have a pair of binoculars that allow them to see their surroundings in different colors. A large cardboard box prepared with holes on each side can provide entertainment as children attempt to push rolls through the holes. Color coordinating holes and empty toilet paper rolls can add a bit more of a challenge.
Be sure to check out how to use other recycled materials in the classroom!
Games with recyclable material - Educatall
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