Graphing Seeds & Analyzing the Data

A fantastic spring/summer math and science lesson for your preschoolers is to have them sort and graph various garden seeds. Here we featured a seed graphing lesson from Creative Tots and we decided to make some printables to go along with it, just in case you and your preschoolers wanted to try it!

Spring Math Graphing Preschool Printable

Graphing Seeds. Provide your kiddos with a Ziploc bag containing 10 different types of seeds {in varying amounts!}. Invite them to first sort the seeds by type, then glue them to the graphing worksheet.

Spring Plant and Seed Science Preschool Lesson
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Analyzing the Data. Using seed identification cards, like the ones we found at Age of Isabella {pictured above}, have your kiddos analyze their data. Have them identify and count to find out which seed they have the most of, the least of, etc. Invite them to record their answers in their science/math journal or print out our simple sample recording sheet. After students analyze their own data, come together as a class to compile and analyze the results {i.e. how many had more sunflower seeds than any other seed, etc}.

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