FREE Printable Minecraft Valentines - Boy & Girl Styles!

You might think I've been living under a rock admitting this, but I had no idea that Minecraft was so popular! Never fear, however, not everyone is as ignorant as I and, if your kiddo has to have Minecraft valentines this year, the super creative ladies behind the amazing site, Over The Big Moon, are on it!

Photo Source: Over The Big Moon

Absolutely free to download, Lisa and Pam created two sets of fun and unique Minecraft themed valentines - one set catering to boys and the other to girls - as well as coordinating creeper candy wrappers to complete the look.

Photo Source: Over The Big Moon

It might take you a bit more time to create these than purchasing valentines from the store, but we love these unique treats and we know your Minecraft obsessed kiddos will too!

Aren't these ladies talented!? If you haven't visited Over The Big Moon before, we highly recommend checking it out. Pam and Lisa are crafty, creative, and just plain cool! We know you'll be inspired by the ideas and resources they share!

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