End of the Year Rhymes and Keepsakes for Preschool!

It's hard to believe we are already talking about the end of the year! Where did the 2015-2016 school year go?! In celebration of another fantastic year, work with your class to create cute keepsakes they can take home to help them remember all the friends they made in preschool this year. There are also a few super cute rhymes you could use to create an adorable end of the year display! The ideas come from one of our favorite sources for cute ideas - Debbie over at Rainbows Within Reach!
Preschool Friendship Keepsake
On a 9" x 12" piece of white construction paper, write a goodbye note to each one of your kiddos. Then have each child place a hand print on the page (use different colors of paint) and have them tell you what they'd like to say to their friend (you'll have to help in writing out the individual messages). Such a cute way for your kiddos to remember their Preschool friends!
End of the Year Rhymes

Create a cute class display with these clever rhymes! Take a picture of each one of your kiddos at the end of the year and display them around the end of the year goodbye. (If you can find a cute beginning of the year rhyme, it would be adorable to have a beginning of the year and end of the year comparison...just a thought for next year!) Here's a close-up of each rhyme: