Easter Lapbook - Part 3
I {Kayla} teach a pre-k class at my church on Wednesday nights and, as the Easter holiday approaches, my kiddos have been working on a lapbook to take home and share with their families. [The curriculum had us working through the Easter story for four weeks, spreading lessons a little thin, and I needed something to supplement the activities in order to keep my 5-year-olds engaged!] Containing a mixture of printables that I found online and resources that I made myself, I think my little learners are going to have a fun and colorful way to recount the amazing story of Easter - this year and in the years to come! Not to mention, under the guise of fun art projects and activities, they strengthened handwriting skills, early reading skills, color recognition, and more!
Here's a breakdown of the cover art and final sections...
He is Risen!
Knowing we had a full night planned, including some fun cover art projects, I figured we'd keep the last couple sections simple! First, the kiddos worked independently to color a resurrection coloring page, then we all worked as a group to complete a booklet I created to go along with the 'Jelly Bean Prayer'. [NOTE: I saw several versions of the prayer floating around Pinterest and my favorite blogosphere haunts, and actually combined two of them to create the printable.] I really liked the idea of using the prayer booklet as the last piece of the lapbook. It works well as a story 'review', of sorts, and also helps remind the kiddos that there's more to Easter than plastic eggs, chocolate bunnies, and jelly beans!
While the text in the booklet gives color clues, I have quite a few kiddos who try to race through the activities and end up with errors (we're working on it!), so I figured it would be better if this was a collaborative project - with everyone working page by page, identifying the color words, and coloring the jelly bean shapes with the appropriate colors. Once the booklets were complete, the kiddos followed along in their newly colored readers as we read the prayer - i.e. they read the color words with help of the colored jelly beans/color text cues, and I completed the sentence.

Cover Art
Last, but not least, we created some fun cover art using Easter themed painting tools - plastic Easter eggs! While this is certainly not a new concept, it was new to my kiddos and they thought it was pretty neat! Because I didn't want them accidentally painting up the activities in their file folders, I provided each kiddos with a sheet of white card stock to paint and, when it dried, we simply glued it to the front of their folder. Also, because I couldn't decide which activity to do, we actually explored two different ways of painting with Easter eggs...
- Easter Egg Roll Painting. Similar to marble painting, I provided each kiddos with an aluminum roasting pan and a plastic Easter egg (containing a marble for weight). Placing their piece of card stock in the pan, I added three dots of craft paint to different parts of the paper and invited the kiddos to explore what happened when they manipulated the pan and made the egg move. The resulting tracks became the background for our cover art.
- Easter Egg Printing. Since we'd used the whole egg in our roll painting exercise, I thought it might also be fun to explore what types of prints we could make when we separated the sections of the plastic egg. Armed with a paper plate (containing dabs of craft paint) and a top or bottom section of a plastic egg, I invited the kiddos to twist their section of egg in their paint, covering the edges, then lightly press and twist the painted egg on their paper. The kiddos were delighted to see a perfect circle!
I knew we'd have to wait on the painted papers to dry, so I created a simple title printable that could be quickly glued onto the front of the folder before being sent out the door and home to be enjoyed by my pre-k kiddos and their families! With all of the evening events, I ended up having to write the kiddos' names on the title card - which I was a little bummed about - but, overall, I am excited and impressed that all of the elements were kid-completed!

The original file is 4x6; I simply printed it onto colored index cards so I didn't have to cut anything. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!
I hope you find these Easter lapbook resources useful! My pre-k kiddos and I had a blast creating the finished product and I truly hope it will be something they can use to remember and retell the Easter story - this year and in the years to come!