Easter Egg Matching Game

Spring and Easter Bunny Matching Game Preschool Printable
Photo Source: www.modernparentsmessykids.com

Steph over at Modern Parents Messy Kids is offering this Easter matching game printable that she made for her little one's Easter basket for free over at her site! With its vibrant colors, egg shaped cards, and cutesy bunny characters, this game is sure to be a hit with your little ones! Use these cards as designed - placing them face down on a flat surface and inviting your preschoolers to test their memory/matching skills with a game of concentration - or try one of the following suggestions...

  • Use one set of cards to create a game mat, setting the second set in a basket nearby and inviting students to work individually to make all the correct matches. {Like this Dr. Seuss hat matching activity.}
  • Add an extra color/literacy element. Create a set of egg shaped color word cards {like the ones below}, pairing them with a set of color bunny cards and have your students play a game of concentration or 'Go Fish!'

    Spring and Easter Literacy and Color Preschool Printable

  • Have your kiddos use the egg cards to complete an Easter interactive emergent reader {like the example below}.Spring and Easter Color Interactive Emergent Reader Preschool Printable

Be sure to visit Modern Parents Messy Kids for this festive game download!

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