Creative Writing & Addition Practice for St. Patrick's Day - with FREE Printables!

It's hard to believe Valentine's Day has come and gone and we are already looking ahead towards March! Time sure does fly. In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, Michelle over at Fabulous in First featured several worhsheets that would be a perfect addition to your March lesson plans! And by visiting her site, you can get a FREE copy of each worksheet!
We love the creative writing prompt "If I Caught a Leprechaun." You are sure to get the creative and silly juices flowing with this one! And, once your students have completed their writing assignment, have them complete a St. Patrick's Day Craft to create a super cute classroom display!
Also provided is a worksheet titled "I'm Lucky to Be Me." To complete the assigment, Michelle found an adorable St. Patrick's Day hat and attached a picture of each student wearing the hat to their worksheet. Sure would make a cute St. Patrick's Day bulletin board display!!

And when the writing fun is done, be sure to incorporate the lucky leprechaun addition worksheet!!