Choosing A Science Fair Topic

There are different types of projects that can be entered into a science fair exhibit. Two of the most used and well-known categories include models and investigative projects.


In this category, students are first presented with a problem (as directed by a teacher or conceived through their own observations and imagination) and then create a model or invention that addresses the situation. Examples of projects may include: "What causes a volcano to erupt?", "How do earthquakes form?", or given a standardized set of data including home square footage, a list of appliances, normal gas/electric bills, etc., "How might this homeowner conserve energy?".
Investigative Projects

For this science fair category, students are presented with a problem through which they can form a hypothesis and design an experiment to test it. Examples of projects may include: "Will a nail rust faster in water or fruit juice?", "Will plants growth be affected by music?", or "What do conflicting mental tasks reveal about thinking?"

When choosing a topic for the science fair, be sure to take into account interests, age, skill level, and time needed for preparation. Overall, get ready to learn and have fun!

School Science Fair Ideas: How to Choose a Topic for a Science Exhibit at any Level

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