Chinese Lantern Counting Printable

Chinese New Year Lantern Counting Activity and Printable

This activity - a perfect addition to your Chinese New Year lesson plans - incorporates traditional Chinese symbols in order to help your kiddos practice counting and strengthen number recognition skills.

Activity preparation...

  • Download an envelope template and the activity printables.
  • Print the envelope template onto red card stock. Cut, fold, and glue the envelope together, then use a black marker to label each envelope with a different letter.
  • Print the lantern cards onto white card stock. Cut them out and laminate them to reduce wear and tear. Stuff each envelope with a different number of lantern cards. [NOTE: You might wish to determine how many you plan to stuff in each envelope so that you can better plan how many to print.]
  • Print the recording sheet and make copies; one for each student.

To complete the activity...

Provided with the set of red envelopes, invite students to select an envelope, count the number of Chinese lantern shapes inside, then write the appropriate numeral on their recording sheet. Have them repeat this process until they've worked through all the envelopes and all of the spaces on their recording sheet are filled in.

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