Celebrate 100 Days with FREE Printables
Can you believe we are already clebrating 100 days of school? It doesn't seem possile. If you're looking for a way to celebrate the day with your kiddos, check out the free printables Jodi provided over at Fun in First!
100th Day Counting Activity
Celebrate 100 days by having your students brush up on their counting skills with this super cute worksheet. Jodi even included a few addition problems for older students!

100th Day Dice Game
Another great way to use your 100th Day celebration to help your kiddos brush up on their math skills is to play a dice game. Be sure to visit Fun in First to get your free copy of the worksheet!

Give each student a pair of dice and have them roll the dice 100 times. Each time ask them to add together the numbers shown and keep track of the sums on their worksheet. Then, when they've completed all 100 rolls, have them complete the bottom to tell you which sum appeared the most and which sum appeared the least. And don't worry if you don't have a giant bag of dice ready to play the game! Just divide your students into groups based on the number of dice you have available and have them complete the worksheet in teams.
Make a 100th Day Prediction
After you've completed your counting activity and played the dice game, make a 100th day prediction with your kiddos. Ask students to predict where you will end up if you take exactly 100 steps from your classroom door. Have them write in their predictions on the provided worksheet (found here) and then head off to get your answer. When you return to the classroom have students fill in where they actually ended up!