Bug Themed Worksheets for Preschool

Literacy and Skill Preschool Printables
Photo Source: 1plus1plus1equals1.blogspot.com

Carisa of 1+1+1=1 compiled this great list of summer bug themed printables that would be prefect for your preschool classroom. She's included everything from lapbooks and play dough mats to word cards and an accordion book - so much fun for your kiddos to have! Here's a sneak peek at our favorite printable{s}...

We love the tot pack Carisa created featuring Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar! Not only is it perfect for use with a literary unit of your Carle favorites, it also works fantastically with a summer unit about bugs. Each tot pack activity is so well thought out and looks über cute! Your kiddos will have fun...

  • Identifying shapes
  • Learning "Very Hungry Caterpillar" ABCs
  • Counting butterflies
  • Matching colors
  • Sequencing different size objects

...and much much more! Be sure to head on over to 1+1+1=1 for these and other great bug theme printables!

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