Bottle Print Flower Craft for Kids
Perfect for sping or summer, these simple bottle print flowers are not only colorful, they offer a great opportunity to show your kiddos how simple household objects can be repurposed to create something new!
yellow and green construction paper
small pom poms
green drinking straws
green foam leaves
craft paint
empty (washed) plastic pop bottles
craft glue
Creating the Flowers
- Dip the bottom of the soda bottle into the craft paint, then gently press the painted end to the paper to create a print. Repeat this process (with different colors, if desired) until you've created the desired number of flowers.
- Add a line of glue beneath each bloom, covering it with a piece of green drinking straw in order to create the 'stem'.
- Cut leaves from scraps of green construction paper, adding them to the stem, then add colorful craft puffs to the center of each bloom.
- Finish off the project by adding a strip of green construction paper to the the bottom of the paper, fringing the top to make it look like 'grass'.