FREE BEE A Buddy, Not A Bully!

Product Description
Did you know that October is National Bullying Prevention Month? It's never to early to teach your kiddos that their words/actions have the power to hurt someone and can have a lasting effect. As you take the time to learn what bullying is and how each student has a personal responsibility to help create a safe learning environment, both for themselves and their peers, we thought the slogan "BEE A Buddy, Not A Bully" was a cute way to help get your message across.
We created a simple craftivity sheet that you and your students can complete together as you pledge to be bully-free. Including the cutesy slogan, the center is open for a fun bee craft of your choice. We love this hand print bee craft from Jaime over at What's The Buzz in First and think it adds a personal touch to the pledge. However, there are lots of bee crafts out there to choose from! When complete, display these fun crafts in your room as a reminder that your classroom (and school!) is a bully-zone!