Astronaut Preschool Skill Worksheets

Jolanthe, homeschool mom and creator of the site Homeschool Creations, recently began a new space thematic unit with her kiddos and had the grace to share her Astronaut Preschool Pack with the rest of us fortunate souls! Get geared up for some 'far out' learning as we give you a sneak peek at a few of our favorite space themed printables!
Astronaut Preschool Pack
Astronaut Vocabulary Flash Cards

Not only will your preschoolers learn new unit vocabulary words, these fun flash cards can be used for many other activities as well:
- Have students practice letter recognition and ordering by putting the flash cards in alphabetical order.
- Print and laminate two sets of flash cards for memory and matching exercises.
- Invite students to trace the vocabulary word at the bottom of each card for fine motor, letter, and handwriting practice.
The possibilities are endless!
Rocket Size Sequencing

Help your preschoolers differentiate between small-, medium-, and large-sized objects with this fun sequencing exercise. Perfect for discussing terms like "largest", "smallest", "larger than", "smaller than", etc.
Consider using the rocket cutouts to create an interactive emergent reader like this snowman example. As students complete the pages, they'll have to problem solve where to use each cutout so that the pages make sense (an added bonus!).
Space Silhouette Matching

Like regular matching games, your preschoolers will be required to make observations, pay attention to detail, and identify like objects in this activity. The silhouettes add additional complexity to the exercise, forcing students to rely on shapes rather than other, more noticeable colors and details. A great problem solving activity!
Rocket Scissor Skills

Jolanthe provides two scissor skill worksheet variations so your students will get plenty of practice! Consider printing the worksheet onto different types of paper (i.e different thicknesses, different textures, etc.). This will help strengthen student hand muscles as well as fine motor skills.
Bonus: Print and laminate worksheets. Provide students with dry erase crayons and invite them to do some pre-writing practice by tracing the lines!
Rocket Color Review

Not only will students practice color and color word recognition with these adorable printables, they're just as versatile as the vocabulary flash cards. Here are some great exercise ideas:
- Invite students to trace the color words for printing practice.
- Have students review letters and the concept of ordering by placing the color cards in alphabetical order.
- Create an interactive emergent reader color book (like the example below) that students can read over and over. On the first page they can glue the colored rocket and on the opposite page they can glue objects of the same color found around the classroom (i.e. a button, a pom pon, a magazine clipping, etc.)
These selections don't even make up half of the activities in Jolanthe's Astronaut Preschool Pack so be sure to check out her full post for the download!
Happy Learning!