All About Lines - Art Activity for Kids

How cute is this art activity that was featured on smART Class?! What a great way to introduce your kiddos to the concept of lines! The idea is relatively simple and you can give your class free rein when it comes to what type of lines they want to draw. One little boy drew a line of ants!
You'll want to take profile pictures of your kiddos ahead of time (tell them to act like they are blowing out their birthday candles for the photo). Then they can begin by gluing their pictures to the bottom right hand corner of a piece of white construction or drawing paper.
Be sure to provide your class with a wide variety of materials - paint, oil pastels, stamps, pencils, markers, anything is fair game. Just make sure you provide them with one instruction before they begin: they must intersect several of their lines (so they can practice stopping the lines and continuing on the other side).
Here are a few examples from Natalie's class (they would make such a cute display!):