Activity Ideas for a Mo Willems Author Study

If you find yourself at the end of the school year (or perhaps approaching Christmas break) with a classroom of kiddos who are ready to be off school as Sarah over at First Last!! did, adding an author study to your lesson plans could be just what you need! Pick an author that is sure to engage and interest your kiddos and has a plethora of books to choose from.
Sarah chose Mo Willems, author of the unforgetable Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! and numerous other creative titles, and said it actually kept her kiddos engaged for the last 3 weeks of school - a nearly impossible feat! We love the activities her class completed after reading Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Here they are to provide you with a bit of inspiration to get your author study jump-started:
Pet Pigeon Craft

Pigeon Story Book

"Would You Let the Pigeon Drive..." Graph

Pigeon Character Map