ABCs of Art - Cc is for...

We love extending learning with fun crafts and unique art experiences! Perfect for the younger set who are just learning their letters or even for the older crowd who might simply enjoy exploring new art mediums and techniques, this set of printables + activities works its way through the alphabet, inviting students to explore a different art experience for each letter of the alphabet – i.e. Aa is for apple printing, Bb is for balloon painting, Cc is for circle art, etc. When bound together upon completion, your kiddos will have a colorful and unique review tool and/or art portfolio! BONUS: Because we love options, we’re attempting to give various project ideas for each letter so that you can pick and choose… or do them all!

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Letter C Art for Kids

C is for Compass Painting

Letter C Art for Kids

It's fun to take an ordinary item and repurpose it to create something cool. Compass painting is great because it doesn't take a lot of materials and the resulting prints are really fun.

Project notes...

  • With the addition of the paintbrush, we found it was a bit easier to rotate the paper versus twisting the compass.
  • We only used one size paintbrush, but you could get some cool effects by swapping out the brush!
  • Our paintbrush was too thin to be held by the compass, so we just taped it in place.

Letter C Art for Kids

C is for Circle Art

Letter C Art for Kids

This project offers a great opportunity to recycle items from around the house - i.e. paper rolls, plastic containers, caps, newsprint, magazines, etc. - as well as explore mixed media art. Use the recycled items with tempera paint to create circle prints, cut circles from recycled magazine pages/newsprint, and glue circle shaped items to create a fun piece of art!

Letter C Art for Kids

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