A Fabulous Organization Solution for Your Sticker Collection!

If you're a teacher (especially an early childhood educator), chances are you have a massive sticker collection! You might not think of stickers as something that could get out of control, create clutter, or become so out of hand that you can't find what you're looking for, but it can be surprisingly easy! In search of a solution for her unorganized sticker collection, Erin over at Creating & Teaching created this awesome, super organized sticker box! Check it out!

Step 1: ORGANIZE!! Sort your stickers into holidays, themes, characters, etc.

Step 2: Label and file! Erin used a large notecard box, divider tabs, and diy labels.
If you're interested in creating your own sticker box and want the labels Erin used, you can pick up a copy of them - for FREE - from her blog! Cool, right!? Happy organizing!