FREE 8 Printable Spring Counting Worksheets: Counting 1-10 & Skip Counting By 2, 5, and 10!

Product Description
Celebrate spring with these fun counting and skip counting puzzles! These counting activities will help your students learn to count from 1-10 and skip count by 2, 5, and 10. We've created these puzzles in both color and black and white. Both are great for practicing counting, skip counting, fine motor skills, and scissor skills, and the black and white versions also makes great coloring pages!
- Print out copies of both the puzzle page and the assembly page for each student.
- Have your students cut out all the puzzle pieces along the dotted lines. If using the black and white version have them color the page first. They will have 10 puzzle pieces when they are done cutting.
- Using the assembly page, which is the last page in the PDF, have your students glue the puzzle pieces in the correct order.
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