5 FREE Printables for Practicing With Tallies!

Working on tally marks with your kiddos? Stephanie over at Boy Mama Teacher Mama has some really great activity ideas - including FREE printables - that are sure to be a hit!
Tally Activities
- M&M Tallies. Students sort m&m candies by color then record, using tally marks, the number of each. [This activity could be completed with any colored candy or food! Skittles, sixlets, colored goldfish crackers, Lucky Charms marshmallows, etc!]
- Lego Tallies. Similar to the activity above, students sort a bag or basket of lego bricks by color and then use tallies to record the number of each color on their worksheet. [Stephanie also shows how to do this activity using different types of legos - i.e. steering wheels, levers, 1x2 bricks, 2x2 bricks, 2x4 bricks, etc.]
- Dice Roll Tallies. Provided with a numbered die and a worksheet, students roll the die, identify the number rolled, and mark a tally in the correct box on their worksheet. To keep the activity moving as well as provide an end to the exercise, have your kiddos roll the die a certain number of times, have them keep rolling until one category has five tally marks, or have them work in small groups and, taking turns, have each student roll the die a certain number of times.
- 'Favorites' Tallies. While the above activities are individual/small group exercises, tallying 'favorites' is a great large group exercise. Select a category (i.e. favorite outdoor activity, favorite toy, favorite book, etc.), provide several options (i.e. favorite outdoor activity --> swimming, riding bikes, playing baseball, etc.), and do a class survey - allowing each student to vote by placing a tally mark under their favorite option.

If you're counting, that's only four activities, however there are five worksheets. One of the printables is a generic worksheet that can be used for any activity.
To pick up the activity sheets for these awesome activities, be sure to visit Boy Mama Teacher Mama!