5 Awesome Centers for 100th Day (with FREEBIES)!
We love these 100th Day ideas we found over at Growing Kinders! During their celebration, Kathleen had her students rotate between five different centers;
100th Day Party Hats

A party isn't a party without a party hat! A great activity to reinforce counting by 10s, students are provided with the assembled construction paper hats as well as stickers or stamps and invited to decorate/stamp each strip on the hat with 10 stickers or stamps. After the hats are decorated, students can wear them!
Here's a freebie for creating your own hats! The file is sized to be printed onto blank index cards.
Party Necklaces

Another great exercise for reinforcing counting by 10s, students first count out 100 beads then string them onto a piece of ribbon or yarn, creating a necklace to wear! Oh, and we love the use of egg cartons for sorting!
Counting 100 Legos

More counting by 10s! Provided with a tub of Lego bricks and a counting mat, have students count out 100 bricks, in groups of 10, and use them to build a sculpture. If students finish building their sculpture before it's time to switch centers, have them draw a picture of it.
Here are some freebies to go with this center!
100 Dots

Catching a theme? Here's another counting by 10s exercise! Students are provided with a starburst counting mat and paint daubers and invited to place 10 dots in each section. You can grab the activity mat freebie below!
100th Day Portraits

Last, but not least, students created portraits of themselves at 100 years old! All they need is some construction paper, glue, and wiggle eyes. Super cute, right!?
Along with these five centers, Kathleen shares several other great activities for 100th Day so be sure to visit the full post over at Growing Kinders!