"Tweethearts" Super Cute Valentine's Day Door Display Idea

Photo Source: Life in First Grade

We love this Valentine's Day door from Leslie Ann over at Life in First Grade! The cutesy word play, adorable scrapbook bird cutouts, and festive color scheme work together to make a simple, yet eye-catching display!


  • Background: White bulletin board paper.
  • Title: "Tweethearts!"
  • Border: Valentine's Day themed border, complimentary colored/patterned trimmer, or homemade border created from streamers, tissue paper, etc.
  • Decoration: 1) The Tree. Use brown bulletin board paper to fashion a tree 'trunk' along the side of the display. Cut long strips of brown paper, twisting the strips and attaching them along the side of the trunk to create 'branches'. 2) The Birds. Find a cute bird template online (perhaps one of these from Early Play Templates), using the template to create bird cutouts from patterned scrapbook paper. We suggest making one for each of your students, perhaps varying the sizes for visual interest, and using a black marker to write each of your students' names on a cutout. 3) The Extras. Since it's a Valentine's Day display, add some heart cutouts to the display and - voila!

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