Our Favorite Christmas Displays of 2011

Is it too early to start thinking about Christmas? Normally I would say, "Most definitely yes! Good Pete, it's not even Thanksgiving yet!" However, we have it on good authority that, while the holidays seem to fly by for those of us outside the classroom, in "teacher time" they go by in warp speed! So, to kick-off the season, we thought we'd revisit some of our favorite designs from last year!

Christmas Bulletin Board Idea
Photo Source: www.ironcountymcf.com

This design from the Iron Country Medical Care Facility is still one of the cutest and most creative door displays we've seen! Won't your kiddos - who are we kidding, everyone! - get a kick out of this design? Not only is it colorful and festive, it really does offer a unique and humorous way to bring some holiday cheer to the classroom! You can find the full post here -> Don't Feed the Reindeer!

Winter and Christmas Bulletin Board Idea
Photo Source: flickr.com | Nienke Krook

This board created by Nienke Krook of Red Colander shows how, with the simple addition of twinkle lights, your Christmas display can go from beautiful to spectacular! It definitely brightens the classroom {literally and figuratively}! Check out the full post here -> Christmas Gingerbread Village

Winter and Christmas Bulletin Board Idea
Photo Source: www.hshsl.umaryland.edu

Christmas and recycling don't normally go hand in hand, but this fun board created for a contest help by The University of Maryland Library is sure to get your kiddos' attention and provide a great opportunity for reminding your students to take care of our earth and show them that everyday items can be repurposed - it just takes a little imagination! See the full post here -> Holidays Recycled

Hopefully these designs help to get the creative juices flowing! If you need more inspiration, check out our 'Christmas' and 'Winter' categories and, of course, we'll continue our search for more fabulous designs!

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