I Can Change The World... - Earth Day Bulletin Board

Earth Day Door Display and Bulletin Board Idea
Photo Source: eastbrook.scps.k12.fl.us

Vibrant and beautifully themed for Earth Day, this colorful door display from Mrs. Cash's Second Grade Class would make a darling addition to your classroom decor! And we suggest getting your kiddos involved...

Hand Print Mural

While the colorful hand cutouts are pretty cute, a more powerful connection - with Earth Day and their own responsibility for taking care of our planet - might be made if you had your kiddos use craft paint to create actual prints of their hands. The goal/connection; their hand prints will act as a 'signature' to their personal pledge to help take care of the Earth! [NOTE: Since painting directly onto the background paper might cause wrinkles, we suggest having your kiddos create their prints on white paper and, when dry, cut them out to be used in the display.]

I Can Change The World With My Own Two Hands!

  • Background: Yellow bulletin board paper.
  • Title: "I Can Change The World With My Own Two Hands!"
  • Border: Complimentary solid color trimmer or environment themed bulletin board border.
  • Decoration: Create or purchase a cutout of the Earth, adding it to the center of the bulletin board. [NOTE: If your school copier can enlarge images, you might be able to enlarge, color, and laminate a simple coloring page!] Fill in the rest of the space with your kiddos' hand print cutouts! To personalize the door a bit more, you might also consider printing each students' name beneath their prints, but this is certainly optional!

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