Writer's Checklist for Writing Success

sample writers checklist
Photo Source: cmsweb2.lcps.org

Even though your kindergartners are just brushing the surface of the writing process, it doesn't hurt to prepare guidelines for them to remember when completing a class assigned writing prompt or even when fiddling around in the writing center. Ms. Brissing, kindergarten teacher at Banneker Elementary School, created a writer's checklist for her students to refer to {and fill out} once an assignment has been completed. With it, her kindergartners go back over their prose to make sure they...

  • Started each new sentence with a capital letter.
  • Provided punctuation at the end of the sentence.
  • Properly spelled the week's vocabulary and sight words {what Brissing calls "star words"}.
  • Matched illustrations with their description.

...among other things, of course! This is definitely a handy tool for writers who are just starting out and, if used correctly, will help them build a strong foundation for future writing success!

Writer's Checklist Suggestions

  • Since your students are beginner readers too, consider using a familiar icon for each item on the checklist {like Brissing did} or providing a "fool proof" example for students to model after.
  • Keep the checklist short and simple - just the basics. Too many rules may very well overwhelm your students.
  • This is supposed to be a fun and helpful activity. Your students should feel accomplished as they check the items off the list and even a sense of pride that they're turning in their best work.
  • Provide a copy online for parents to see and print for use at home. The more your students are exposed to the writing guidelines, the more they'll become ingrained in their memory {and the checklist will no longer be needed!}.

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