"Who Helps You With Life's Twists & Turns?"

Elementary Inspirational Bulletin Board Idea
Photo Source: corneroncharacter.blogspot.com

Barbara Gruener - elementary counselor, character coach, and creator of The Corner On Character - submitted this fabulous Twister inspired design that she created for the coming school year. Visually appealing and vibrantly colorful, the board was created to remind students of the various support groups/persons they can tap into when they encounter difficult 'twists' and 'turns' in life.

"Who Helps You With Life's Twists & Turns?"

  • Background: Use a recycled Twister game mat!
  • Title: "Who Helps You With Life's Twists & Turns?" - We love how Barbara used the letters from the game board to spell "Twists". We also love how she shaped the letters of "Turns" to create a visual connection.
  • Border: Complimentary solid color trimmer.
  • Decoration: Barbara created an interactive component, attaching the game spinner to the lower part of the board and adding the names of various persons/groups that students can look to for support when going through a hard time - i.e. family members, counselors, coaches, etc. She also printed various issues students might face onto card stock, cut them out, and attached the paper strips to the open circles.

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