Sunday School Easter Snacks

Sunday School Snack Ideas for Easter
Photo Source: Almost Unschoolers

It's hard to believe Easter is just around the corner! If you're looking for a few simple snack ideas for your class this Easter, check out these ideas featured on Almost Unschoolers.

Cookies - 30 Pieces of Silver

Whip up a batch of sugar cookie dough and tint it gray with a few drops of food coloring. If you don't have gray food coloring handy, use a combination of red and green (3 drops red and 2 drops green). Then, use the middle of a donut cutter (or even something as small as a clean pop lid) to cut out small circles to represent pieces of silver. Bake the cookies according to your recipe.

Easter Snack Idea - 30 Pieces of Silver Cookies
Photo Source: Almost Unschoolers

Read Matthew 26:14-16 and Matthew 27:1-10 with your class and discuss Judas's betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Enjoy your snack as you discuss the story. If you're in need of a sugar cookie recipe, one is provided here.

Easter Snack - 30 Pieces of Silver Cookies
Photo Source: Almost Unschoolers

Dipped Pretzel Crosses

You Will Need:

Pretzel rods

White melting chocolate

Microwaveable bowl

Aluminum foil or parchment paper

Colorful sprinkles

Step 1: Break several pretzel rods into thirds (so you have enough small pieces for the number of crosses you will be making).

Step 1, Dipped Pretzel Crosses for Easter
Photo Source: Almost Unschoolers

Step 2: Melt the white chocolate in the microwave according to your package instructions. Then, dip one half of a full-size pretzel rod into the melted chocolate, followed by a smaller pretzel rod.

Step 2, Dipped Pretzel Crosses for Easter
Photo Source: Almost Unschoolers

Step 3: Lay the smaller pretzel rod across the top portion of the full-size pretzel rod and allow the chocolate to cool for a bit.

Step 3, Dipped Pretzel Crosses for Easter
Photo Source: Almost Unschoolers

Step 4: Before the chocolate is completely cool, sprinkle with colorful sprinkles! What a cute Easter treat!!

Step 4, Dipped Pretzel Crosses for Easter
Photo Source: Almost Unschoolers

Pretzel Nets Full of Fish

This last snack is based on John 21: 1-14, when Jesus appears to the disciples while they are fishing, after the resurrection. You will only need three items to put together this tasty little snack: Square pretzels (the kind that resemble a net), Hershey kisses and fish-shaped crackers.

Line up the pretzels on a cookie sheet lined with foil (for super simple clean-up!) and place a Hershey kiss on top of each one. Then, pop the cookie sheet into the oven for 1-2 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until the chocolate appears shiny and is partially metled.

After the pan comes out of the oven, top each pretzel 'net' with a fish cracker and put the entire pan into the refrigerator to cool completely.

Step 1, Easter Snack - Nets Full of Fish
Photo Source: Almost Unschoolers

As you enjoy the snack as a class, read John 21: 1-14 and discuss the story. Or, try reading Peter's Easter Story from Arch Books!

Easter Snack - Nets Full of Fish
Photo Source: Almost Unschoolers

Be sure to stop by Almost Unschoolers to see what else the family is up to! They are always coming up with the cutest (and tastiest) ideas!

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