Spring Birds Made from Decoupaged Light Bulbs

When light bulbs burn out around the house, most of us just throw them away. Amanda, creator of the website Crafts by Amanda, suggests saving them and using them for craft time to create light bulb birds.

Supplies You'll Need
- Burned out light bulbs
- White spray paint
- Brightly colored art tissue paper
- Craft glue
- Brightly colored feathers
- Orange molding clay To begin, 'prime' each of the light bulbs with the white spray paint and let dry. While they dry, create small cone shapes from the orange molding clay and set these aside also. Once dried, they'll be used as beaks. Since drying time is required, these tasks should be completed before class.

Prepare shallow containers of diluted craft glue (equal parts water and glue) and invite your students to tear their piece of tissue paper into squares. Instruct your students to apply a small amount of decoupage mixture on the bulb with a paintbrush, then begin covering and decoupaging tissue squares onto the surface. This will take a light touch so remind them to be gentle and patient.

When the bulb is covered, let dry, then embellish with feathers, beak, and face. Strung from the ceiling or doorway, these make wonderful spring decorations!

Decoupage Light Bulb Birds ~ Crafts by Amanda

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